October, 4th & 5th
Cartagena - Colombia
Associados ABH2 receberão um desconto especial para participar desse evento! Fique de olho em sua caixa de entrada! Em caso de dúvidas, entre em contato através do contato@abh2.org.br .
ABH2 members will receive a special discount code to participate in this event. Keep an eye on your e-mail inbox! If you have questions, reach us at contato@abh2.org.br .
We are pleased to partner with @New Energy Events for the 2nd annual Hydrogen Congress for Latin America & the Caribbean!
Across two days and numerous panel discussions, workshops, industry awards, and networking events, H2LAC will provide delegates with the tools, contacts and market intelligence they need to drive forward their programs and projects across Latin America and the Caribbean.
Co-hosted by the IDB, over 500 delegates, including senior government officials from 20 countries in the region, attended the inaugural event in 2021.
For 2022, it’s time for the rubber to hit the road. Can Hydrogen decarbonize regional industries and transportation? How bankable are the pipeline of MOUs which have seen the light of day in the past 12 months? Can Hydrogen help reactivate Latin American and Caribbean economies and is Hydrogen the region’s next big export?
And it’s time to meet in-person. The event will be in Cartagena, in October, as the market is gathered to accelerate the development of a world-leading Hydrogen industry across Latin America and the Caribbean.