Alain Prinzhofer

Geologist and geochemist Expert in Geochemistry
Scientific Director of GEO4U (Brazil)
Associate Professor at Paris University
Collaborative Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
Member of the Scientific Board of LIED (Interdisciplinary Laboratory for the Future of
Energy), Paris University.

- Polytechnic engineer from the National School of Mines of Paris, year 1974
- Docteur Ingénieur (Ph.D.) from the National School of Mines of Paris, 1981. Structural geology and petrology
- Docteur ès Sciences (Docteur d’État, Ph.D.) from the Paris VI University, 1987. Isotope geochemistry

Fields of expertise: mantle and sedimentary basins geology/geochemistry, isotopes, natural gas geochemistry, petroleum systems, natural hydrogen systems.
Publications: 65 international scientific papers, 9 patents, about 150 communications in international meetings
Teaching: adviser of 11 PhD. Courses in Universities and companies on petroleum systems, ore deposits, isotope geochemistry, gas geochemistry, natural hydrogen.